Monday, October 20, 2008

54321 #2

Timothy Roberson-Smith
Hole in my life, by Jack Gantos

1-Gantos wrote many things but couldn’t organize it into something for people to read.
2-There are little passages from books included in this book.
3-We learn some interesting things about Gantos.
4-There is very strong vocabulary in the book.
5- The book is good so far.

4 questions:
1-Why did Gantos dislike the Bacons?
2-What is the king’s court?
3-Why does Gantos write the way he does?
4-Does Gantos have any friends?

3 vocabulary:
1- podium-a small raised platform
2- hibiscus-bush with large flowers
3- accustomed-habitual or usual

2 literally terms:
1-sensory imagery

1 overview sentence
1-They talk more about Gantos’s high school life and what happens.

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